Sunday, August 20, 2006

Pete has an interview

Pete had a phone interview last week at Quinnipiac University. He has a face to face interview next week. We are optomistic as they seem very keen to talk to him. The job is overseeing the implementation of online university courses. Its not the same as his last job but there is some overlap that makes him very employable at this one.

We have found a car to buy. A friend is leaving and wants to sell hers. It isn't quite the convertible I'd like but it will do the job, especially if Pete gets this job cos he'll have to drive to work.

Its been really quiet here. Lots of people go on holiday over summer, I think I'm the only one that hasn't. School goes back soon so it will get busy again. The peace and quiet has been good for getting work done even though its been lonely. I've now submitted my third paper and the first two have been accepted.

Pete has been busy stocking the freezer with homemade pesto and baked beans (not together). I suppose that is what we will live on when he starts work! I will miss having him at my beck and call. Really there should be a law that once a man gets married he shouldn't be allowed to work.

Our running is progressing well. We left the treadmills for the indoor running track and this week have even ventured to outside running. I am doing almost 5km and Pete does about 8. The fun run is in a fortnight so we should be well and truly ready for it.


Jim said...

Congratulations on the second paper acceptance.

Tonight Tues 22nd (Oz time) be watching both for the Fields Medal announcements in Madrid (where there is possibility of Oz content) and back home the Eureka Prizes (where Matt England is nominated for two)

Anonymous said...

I'm with Jaci re not going through more hoops to get the teaching job. The Uni one sounds interesting - hope you get it Pete! Janine B